Window Sticking in Rain

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by post2google, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. post2google

    post2google Guest

    Under dry conditions, the manual window in my civic rolls up and down
    perfectly. When
    it rains, the thing will only roll down about a quarter of the way. You
    would say "who opens
    the window when it's raining?" but every now and then you get a toll or
    parking lot situation
    so you either try to thread you arm through the space or open the door.
    Not the end of
    the world, but annoying.

    Has anyone encountered this? Does trying to fix this kind of thing on a
    honda just
    get you into a death spiral of problems? Thanks.
    post2google, Dec 8, 2005
  2. I had this recurring problem on my '69 Porsche 911 years ago - the fix
    was to use a silicone spray on the window channels (which would fix it
    for a while).
    Sparky Spartacus, Dec 24, 2005
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