Window Tint

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mopa, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. mopa

    mopa Guest

    I had to pickup my girl from the autoshop tonight, and around 11pm I
    was pulled over by this cop. I really never paid any attention to the
    tint in my new car, which I bought from Florida.

    The cop placed this device over the window, and it said my tint was
    25%. I live in Georgia, so he said it has to be 32%

    He said the back window, and the side windows are fine, but the front
    windows need to be redone. Now of course, if I change the two front
    windows, they will not match the rest of the car, and look completely
    stupid. Is there anyway I can go around this?

    I actually enjoy having my windows a little dark, it keeps the sun out
    of my eyes early in the morning when I am going to school, and work.
    Plus, people cannot see what is inside my car, unless they have their
    eyes stuck to the glass. I carry my laptop with me, so they cannot see

    I do not see why they have laws on tint, what is the reason for it
    anyways? just as long as the person can see. The sun just hurts my

    mopa, Feb 18, 2006
  2. mopa wrote:

    Plus, ____ people cannot see what is inside my car, ___ Not even the 9mm
    Uzzi____unless they have their eyes stuck to the glass.

    It's so the police can see who / what's inside, and whether their
    picture is on the posters at the Post Office. Don't feel singled out.
    Its for the protection of everybody.

    'Curly Q. Links', Feb 18, 2006
  3. mopa

    jim beam Guest

    mopa wrote:
    can't you just drive with your eyes closed? or have you ever considered
    sun glasses? especially at night - it looks phat. but no one can see
    how phat you really are if your glass is tinted...
    jim beam, Feb 18, 2006
  4. mopa

    Brian Smith Guest

    Having a different level of tint on the front windows does not look stupid,
    it blends nicely into the rear windows. The way around it is to keep your
    windows tinted the way you have them now, and drive so as not to draw
    attention to yourself or your vehicle. If no one 'sees' you, then no one
    will write you a ticket.
    The reason is to protect the LEOs when they approach your vehicle and wonder
    if you're reaching for a weapon.
    Brian Smith, Feb 18, 2006
  5. mopa

    Jim Yanik Guest

    yes,get the whole car retinted to what's required for the side windows.
    No,its not that,it's so police can see you when they approach for a traffic
    stop,for their safety.

    try sunglasses.
    Florida has a regulation on how dark the front side windows can be(the back
    sides and rear windshield can be darker),but it's often ignored,and police
    do not often cite people for it.When I got my new 86 Prelude tinted,the
    shop put a sticker on the door frame attesting that the tint was within
    Jim Yanik, Feb 18, 2006
  6. mopa

    t Guest

    I had to pickup my girl from the autoshop tonight,
    Your girlfriend is a mechanic or doing the mechanic? Tell the cop you have
    lasik and this is a health necessity.
    t, Feb 19, 2006
  7. mopa

    mopa Guest

    I know, I know what your are all saying. And yes, it is the law, it is
    unfair that we must live in a society where a few bad souls have to
    ruin it for the rest of us. I like Florida's law as they have one of
    the best laws when it comes to tint, and MI/NY has it the worst. It is
    not even allowed, 100% illegal to have any tint.

    " Tell the cop you have
    lasik and this is a health necessity. "

    That is a good one, I should use that. I carry a few thousand dollars
    worth of electonics in my car, such as my notebook for school, I work
    hard for what I have, and not having people see my things, and why
    should "we" as consumers be told we should not be allowed have windows
    tinted. Yeah, some people may say, stop your whinning, but really, why
    should people have to take all their values out of their car, and place
    it in their truch every day, just so some fool does not steal our
    things. Like my mom always said "out of view, out of mind" what people
    cannot see, they won't try to steal.

    I completely agree, but the fact is, even if tinting were illegal would
    that prevent shooting? I watch Cop's, I see the shootings, hell, I live
    here in Atlanta and we have plenty of it daily, yet none of these cards
    I see have tinted windows. This law has been passed since 1987.

    Having a window tinted should be considered unconstitutional, so far
    the only US Providence that we own that has made this an
    unconstitutional law, is guam.

    doing the mech? lol. No, my friend had to drop off her car at my
    buddies shop on her way to my house, so she dropped it off so when he
    go to work in the morning he could replace the CV's, and after I picked
    her up on my way back to my place, I was pulled over. Now, my car is
    black/black so even if I had no tint, the cop still would not have seen
    me. What is amazing to me is that the police department actually issues
    its officers little scanners for UVL scaning of tinted windows, to
    determ if a car has to dark of a tint.
    mopa, Feb 21, 2006
  8. mopa

    Seth Guest

    Tint is legal in NY. Just not dark tint on the front windows. I think 65%
    is the darkest, but don't quote me on that number.
    Exactly where in the Constition is the right to drive on public roads? It
    isn't, therefore each state, who owns the roads, and their respective DMV
    decides what is acceptable or not. They also require proper lights to be
    functional, brakes to work, wipers to work, etc... All with the intention of
    the common good.
    Without those scanners, how else would they be able to determine if it was
    over/under the legal limit? You really want it enforced by the officers
    naked eyes?
    Seth, Feb 21, 2006
  9. mopa

    mopa Guest

    Quoting Brian Smith: " Having a different level of tint on the front
    windows does not look stupid,
    it blends nicely into the rear windows. "

    I am sorry, no it does not look stupid, that is if someone has the same
    tint, but on my windows, on the very bottom, I have the mirror effect.
    I know I could just remove all the tint, and get the 35%, but honestly,
    it is very hard to find someone who can do a great tint job. These
    windows were tinted perfectly, and why change something that is not


    mopa, Feb 22, 2006
  10. mopa

    mopa Guest

    lol, no of course not, these devices must be new, or finally the local
    police departments must have now gave it to their offices. In the past
    they carried a stick that had different shades of tint, and messured it
    the old fashion way.

    * NO - No Film is Allowed
    " New York
    NO / NO/ NO/ NO / Law as of 1993

    Note : Very strict law. Replacement glass that is tinted is allowed if
    and only if the original windows were tinted as well. Medical exemption
    is provided for with permission from Commisioner of Motor Vehicles. "
    mopa, Feb 22, 2006
  11. mopa

    Jim Yanik Guest

    So that the police will not cite you for too dark a tint?
    At some point,the fines would exceed the cost of a new tint job,not to
    mention the hassles of being cited and paying the fines.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 23, 2006
  12. mopa

    Seth Guest

    The website you quoted above is not the NY DMV, but rather looks like
    someone's personal website (

    Googling further, one finds a business quoting the NY DMV code as 70% (real
    close to the 65% I said from memory) (

    While I couldn't find it on the NY DMV site as they have no search function,
    the Amherst Police quote the numbers on their website as matching the above
    stated 70% ( What I could
    find on the NY DMV website is the form "Application for Tinted Window
    Exception" which does quote the legal number for allowable tint also at 70%
    BEFORE waiver (

    So again, as I stated before, Tint *IS* legal in NY State. Your information
    is wrong.

    Seth, Feb 23, 2006
  13. mopa

    gfretwell Guest

    You have to be careful with that logic. The government has taken that
    to mean you have also given up your bill of rights 2d,(rules
    specifically about guns in cars) 4th,(warrantless searches)
    5th,("checkpoints" and mandatory breathalizers that force self
    incrimination) 6th,(DMV is an administrative agency acting without due
    process) 9th and 10th (federal laws controlling state and county
    roads). I think it is all unconstitutional.
    How can the government say I have the right to ride on a bus, in any
    seat I want, but I don't have the "right" to drive a car?
    gfretwell, Feb 24, 2006
  14. mopa

    Seth Guest

    You are mistaking rights and privileges. The Constitution says "All men are
    created equal". The bus example you use is not that one has the right to
    any seat they want per se, but rather that they are to be treated equally
    and without discrimination. Riding on a bus is a privilege that can be
    revoked with cause.

    Driving a car is not a right. It is a privilege that is granted or denied
    in a non-discriminatory fashion (i.e. you must pass a proficiency test). To
    maintain your privilege to drive a car you have to maintain a certain
    standard of behavior (i..e. below a certain level of points, points granted
    for infractions of the rules of the roads). Do you want habitual rule
    breakers (allegedly posing as a public hazard) driving on the same roads as
    you and your family? The privilege to drive is more important than the
    safety of said public?

    What specifically about guns in cars? All people have the right to bear
    arms. Yes, it is governed and registered and one must apply for a permit
    for certain guns in certain jurisdictions, but said permits are approved or
    denied (with cause) again, in a non-discriminatory fashion. the government
    must show cause as to deny your firearms permit. On any give Wednesday
    evening I have a firearm in my vehicle as I travel from my home to my Rod
    and Gun club where I shoot in a competitive trapp league. If I were to be
    pulled over for an infraction and the office asked if I had any weapons in
    the car I would answer in the affirmative. This has happened. The officer
    asked if he could inspect my vehicle and weapon, again I complied.
    Everything being on the up and up I continued on my way with my weapon and
    ammunition intact.

    Again, driving a car is not a right. It is a privilege. As such, it is
    governed as such.
    Seth, Feb 24, 2006
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