Window trim stuff

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rob, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I dont know what you call it. The exterior trim that seals the
    wondows at the bottom. I want to do a google to see what my options
    are in replacing them as they are incredibly torn up.

    Its an 85crx hf. Great car, 180,000 miles, still going strong, but
    little bits and pieces are needing attention. Anyone know of a good
    on-line resource for things? ALso, how on earth can the trim/drip
    rail, over the wondows be rehabed? I look and I dont see how they
    could be fixed. Is that issue a goner?

    Anyone know? Any help is apriciated.

    Rob, Jul 11, 2003
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