Windsheild wipers streaking

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bryan Canter, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Bryan Canter

    Bryan Canter Guest

    Accord 2000. I have put in new wiper blades 2 months ago and they
    worked well for some time. Now the driver's side wiper leaves a haze.
    I don't think it is the blade again. I think there is not enough
    pressure in the middle of the wiper arm to clean thoroughly. I was
    wondering if Rain X would help. But a quick search through this NG
    makes me think that it might be a bad idea in the current snow, salt
    and dusty conditions -- I will probably put it on the other windows as
    many do.

    However, that leaves the problem of Windshield. Is there anything that
    will clean it up real good and would make the wipers work better?

    The other problem is the wiper fluid jets not hitting the center and
    just dribbling out some foamy stuff. Basically I am scared of using
    them on a highway because the fluid barely reaches the bottom and the
    wiper picks it up and spreads it on the entire windshield without
    wiping it clean. I just drove for 2 hours with a dirty windshield and
    did not use the stupid washer fluid. It is that bad.

    I would look into the washer fluid levels and try to clean the jets in
    the afternoon. But please share your experiences with cleaning the
    windshield and wipers if you can.

    Thanks in advance,
    Bryan Canter, Dec 9, 2003
  2. Bryan Canter

    Brian Smith Guest

    I use Aquapel on my Windshield

    I don't use my wipers hardly at all any more.
    Brian Smith, Dec 9, 2003
  3. Bryan Canter

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I clean the windshield with windex, and the blades with silicone spray
    on a paper towel. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Dec 9, 2003
  4. Bryan Canter

    Artfulcodger Guest

    Checked out aquapel at a local detail shop--they want 49.95 CDN for an
    application. Just a tad pricey I felt considering it has to be redone in six

    Any one else have pricing in either Cdn or US dollars?

    The Artful Codger
    Artfulcodger, Dec 9, 2003
  5. Bryan Canter

    Bryan Canter Guest

    Update: a straightened paper clip took care of the jets on the hood.
    They were clogged and not pointing right. The pointing part is not
    easy to fix but I tried and it is better now.

    The wiper problem just went away after the washer fluid drenched the
    windsheild thoroughly.

    Just goes on to show that a little bit of cleaning now and then helps
    Bryan Canter, Dec 9, 2003
  6. Bryan Canter

    Brian Smith Guest

    It costs $24.95 plus tax, of course <g>, here in Halifax. Speedy Auto Glass
    is where I have it done.
    Brian Smith, Dec 9, 2003
  7. Bryan Canter

    Brian Smith Guest

    Preventative maintenance is a wonderful thing <g>.
    Brian Smith, Dec 9, 2003
  8. Bryan Canter

    Artfulcodger Guest

    That's more what I thought it would be worth-- Guess I better check some
    other shops.
    Thanks for the tip.
    The Codge
    Artfulcodger, Dec 9, 2003
  9. Bryan Canter

    Brian Smith Guest

    You're welcome. Also keep in mind that, if the treatment wears off within
    six months, they will apply it again, no charge. So, basically, you are only
    paying for it once a year. And, it's been over eight months on the second
    application, with no discernable difference in performance.
    Brian Smith, Dec 10, 2003
  10. Bryan Canter

    Maggot Guest

    (Bill B. Johnson) wrote in
    Have you tried putting a small amount of Simple Green Soap into the washer
    fluid? That cures any streaking problems I have that are caused by oils
    on the windshield.

    Maggot, Dec 10, 2003
  11. bc,
    I noticed that several other intelligent posters provided you with the
    information that you requested. I just wanted to add that a company called
    Bosch has developed a new type of wiper (called Bosch Micro Edge Excell)
    that works much better than regular wipers such as those sold by Honda. I
    plan to get a pair on my vacation. You can call 1-888-TOP-BLADE for a
    retailer or visit this web site:
    If you can't get there with the above URL, visit the Google search engine
    and type in the words That's what I had to do to find the
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 10, 2003
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