Windshield rock damage

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by R. P., Jun 19, 2005.

  1. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    Yesterday a rock hit my windshield so hard that I have one of those
    spider web like cracks on the glass within an area of about a nickle
    size. Has any of you had something like this fixed without replacing the
    whole window pane? I've heard about these quickie glass repair methods
    but know nobody who has had it done and could recommend it. The crack
    does not interfere with the driving as it is more on the passenger side,
    but might scrape the wiper eventually and who knows, those "spider legs"
    might eventually get longer.

    R. P., Jun 19, 2005
  2. R. P.

    Jason Guest

    Been there--done that. In one case, it was a dime sized hole in my window.
    I took it to a winshield glass shop and they told me that they would not
    be able to do a quickie repair since the hole went thru the entire
    windshield. In the other case, they were able to repair the small chip in
    the windshield. I doubt if they will be able to do a quickie repair on
    your windshield. My advice is to take it to a company that specializes in
    windshield repair and ask them if they can do a quickie repair. If not,
    you will eventually need a new windshield. If money is an issue--just get
    an estimate and have the windshield repaired when you are able to pay for
    Jason, Jun 19, 2005
  3. R. P.

    jmattis Guest

    If you have insurance, the company will usually pick up the entire
    repair expense, typically $40 or so. In any case, take it to an auto
    glass company and let them look at it.

    It may not grow for quite a while, but once the defrosters hit it this
    winter, your entire windshield may crack.
    jmattis, Jun 19, 2005
  4. R. P.

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Take it an auto glass place. They can fix that quite nicely. But the longer
    you leave it, the more it will spread, making successful repair less and
    less likely.

    I had this done to our Tercel's windshield last year. It's still holding.
    It cost about $50 as I recall.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 19, 2005
  5. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    Thanks, I'll do just that.

    R. P., Jun 19, 2005
  6. R. P.

    R. P. Guest

    Done, within $5 of your estimate up there. It's amazing how they could
    make that chipped glass area virtually invisible. It's even garanteed
    to contain the cracking. What else could one wish for?

    So, thanks for the tip, guys.

    R. P., Jun 20, 2005
  7. R. P.

    TeGGeR® Guest


    What's even more amazing is that it actually seems to work. Our crack was
    beginning to spread -- and this the original windshield -- and the fix
    stopped it totally.
    TeGGeR®, Jun 21, 2005
  8. R. P.

    Abeness Guest

    Good heavens! If I still had my original winshield, I wouldn't be able
    to see through it in the sun any longer courtesy of the tiny pits that
    develop from road sand. Wow.
    Abeness, Jun 21, 2005
  9. R. P.

    Abeness Guest

    I should have mentioned that this was the case on my former 85 Pontiac
    Parisienne, whose windshield was much more upright than that of my 94
    Civic. It may be that the angle of this one largely eliminates the
    pitting from sand, and I don't know whether the windshield was ever
    Abeness, Jun 21, 2005
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