Windshield Washer No-Go

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Armand, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. Armand

    Armand Guest

    Hi all. When I use the the washer, I don't hear the pump and there's fluid in
    there. Does anyone know if the pump is fused or does it sound like the pump
    went south? TIA.
    Armand, Mar 7, 2007
  2. What year and model of Honda?

    In my '93 Accord, one fuse controlled both the washer and the wiper delay.
    High Tech Misfit, Mar 8, 2007
  3. Armand

    Armand Guest

    '96. So the intermittent wiper didn't work either? I'll check that this morning.
    Armand, Mar 8, 2007
  4. And if that fuse is OK, then it's the washer pump itself.
    High Tech Misfit, Mar 8, 2007
  5. Armand

    Armand Guest

    The intermittent wiper position works fine. I haven't had a chance to check for
    blown fuses though. Will do this weekend. Thanks all.
    Armand, Mar 9, 2007
  6. Armand

    Armand Guest

    Believe it or not, it started working when the ambient temperature increased.
    A Honda tech told me that the motor will seize when frozen therefore, no
    sound making you think the motor went belly-up. Go figure. Thanks anyway.
    Armand, Mar 15, 2007
  7. why not use windshield washer fluid that won't freeze?

    sounds like common sense to me, but then again, I live in Winnipeg.... lol ;)

    loewent via, Mar 15, 2007
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