Windshield wiper arm puts too much pressure on blade (buckling)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by techman41973, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. techman41973

    techman41973 Guest

    I have a 97 accord (190K). Over the past 40K miles, I noticed that the
    drivers side wiper blade leaves streaks. I tried replacing the blade
    from a Trico to a Honda stock. Still the same problem.
    Recently I noticed that the blade is buckling in certain parts as if
    there is too much pressure from the arm. There is no such buckling on
    the passenger blade which continues to wipe fine.
    Is there some way to adjust the pressure of the wiper arm on the blade?
    This problem may have something to do with getting a new winshield a
    year ago. However, I am not sure if this problem was happening before
    techman41973, Oct 8, 2006
  2. techman41973

    Art Guest

    Does it feel like too much pressure when you lift the arm? If not, if you
    are just replacing the rubber instead replace the blade.
    Art, Oct 8, 2006
  3. techman41973

    Bob M. Guest

    I doubt there is any adjustment.

    Did you replace just the rubber blade or the entire wiper frame? If just
    the rubber, go back to the dealer and get the entire frame with rubber.

    Swap passenger side & driver side wipers and see if the problem follows.
    Bob M., Oct 8, 2006
  4. techman41973

    Steve W. Guest

    Check the wiper blade angle. When the blade is halfway through it's arc
    the blade and it's holder should be at a right angle to the glass. If
    the wiper frame is tilting either direction GENTLY bend the arm in the
    opposite way. I usually use a small square on the side of the wiper
    frame to check for the angle. Ideally the entire blade should fold over
    on each stroke. When you get streaks it is because of wear on the wiping
    edge OR the blade isn't folding completely.
    Steve W., Oct 8, 2006
  5. techman41973

    hls Guest

    If just
    Dealers ass, homey. Is that the best you can come up with?

    hls, Oct 8, 2006
  6. techman41973

    notbob Guest

    I concur. If you acquired this car used, the previous owner may bave
    already replaced the stock arm/blade with an aftermarket unit. This
    is quite often the case as aftermarket arm/blade combos can often be
    purchased for less than OEM blades alone. But, in the end, it's a bad
    idea. I tried this once and had to go back to stock.

    Stock units are designed to work with the specific vehicle on a
    specific windsheild at speed. Aftermarket units are not so
    thoughtfully designed. The aftermarket unit I bought worked fine
    around town, but above 60 mph, the poorly designed arm acted like an
    air dam and actually lifted the whole arm/blade assy up away from the
    glass, making it useless at speed. At least go down to the dealer and
    look at an OEM arm/blade assy. A side-by-side comparison may reveal
    the problem.

    notbob, Oct 8, 2006
  7. techman41973

    John S. Guest

    Lets eliminate the simple problems first.

    1. Throughly clean the window to remove any the builtup road grime.
    It doesn't take much to make wiper blades jump and grab like crazy, and
    it will appear only as a slight radial streak at places along the wiper

    2. Did you replace the wiper assembly or just a rubber wiper insert.
    If the latter replace the frame too.

    3. Check to be sure the wiper flexes easily and pivots properly.
    John S., Oct 8, 2006
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