windshield wipers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by notbob, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. notbob

    notbob Guest

    I've found Honda OEM inserts to be superior to most aftermarket
    offeings. Anyone have a viable alternative?

    notbob, Dec 15, 2005
  2. notbob

    mrdancer Guest

    You might try silicon wiper blades, e.g. -
    mrdancer, Dec 15, 2005
  3. notbob

    E Meyer Guest

    I've tried most of the aftermarket blades at one time or another and came to
    the same conclusion. The OEM inserts last twice as long as any of the
    others on my cars.
    E Meyer, Dec 15, 2005
  4. notbob

    Eye Indo Guest

    While on the subject of wiperblades. Does anyone know how to eliminate that
    awful "juddering" of the wiperblades after a while of use ? It goes away if
    I "add" liquid to the glass by using my wiperwasher.
    I have cleaned the glass as good as I can and the wiper blades are only
    about two months old.
    They do not feel brittle, and the "angle" on how the blades sit on the glass
    is square.
    Eye Indo, Dec 15, 2005
  5. notbob

    Milleron Guest

    Does anyone know of a source of winter blades for late-model Accords.
    It seems that no one makes a 26" winter blade for the driver's side.

    Milleron, Dec 16, 2005
  6. notbob

    SadaYama Guest


    I've found Honda OEM inserts to be superior to most aftermarket
    offeings. Anyone have a viable alternative?

    nbI tried the WalMart equivalent for Accord refills, and paid $1.22 for a
    pair (they come in pairs of 2-sets for $2.44) Only problem is they are
    slightly wider, so I used a nose-plier to slightly widen the hold. I've
    been using them for the last 6-months and I've no complaints, so far.
    Check it out.
    SadaYama, Dec 16, 2005
  7. notbob

    jim beam Guest

    no. oem are undoubtedly the best. i've tried most aftermarkets.
    jim beam, Dec 16, 2005
  8. notbob

    jim beam Guest

    while driving? the oem blade holder is shaped to avoid wind lift-off at
    speed and the problem you describe.
    jim beam, Dec 16, 2005
  9. As have I. I even tried Bosch Micro-edge blades which were highly rated,
    and yet priced about the same as OEM blades. The Bosch blades worked no
    better than the cheap blades from Walmart and Canadian Tire.

    Of course, I haven't tried Canadian Tire's Motomaster Reflex blades which
    are extremely low profile--and priced about the same as OEM blades.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 16, 2005
  10. notbob

    Eye Indo Guest

    while driving? the oem blade holder is shaped to avoid wind lift-off at
    While driving and while parked.
    When the blades are new, I have no problems, or when it rains hard enough,
    i.e. sufficient liquid on the glass. If I speed up the blades, less judder.
    BTW, the judder occurs only in one direction.
    One thing that I wonder about. I have the car washed in a carwash where
    they "hotwax" the car.
    May be that is what is causing the problem, although I do clean the glass as
    good as possible.
    Eye Indo, Dec 16, 2005
  11. notbob

    Reg Martin Guest

    How do you get em off a 98 Accord? I see a button but have been trying
    with not much luck.
    Reg Martin, Dec 16, 2005
  12. notbob

    SadaYama Guest

    Reg Martin
    Dec 16, 1:48 am

    How do you get em off a 98 Accord? I see a button but have been trying

    with not much luck.

    Read the owner's manual. It tells you exactly how to do it.
    SadaYama, Dec 16, 2005
  13. notbob

    E Meyer Guest

    I've just had this experience with my daughter's '96 I30 (I know its a
    Nissan, not a Honda, but the experience seems to be the same). It never had
    the problem as long as we were using the original OEM blade holders. We put
    new rain-x blades on it, the whole thing - holders and inserts, because the
    OEM blade holders had all the paint weathered off and I was too lazy to
    repaint them. After a couple of months it started the "judder". They look
    exactly like the oem, but apparently they are not. After putting the
    original holders back on it (still using the Rain-X inserts) the problem
    went away.

    So if you still have your original wiper blade holders in a corner
    somewhere, try switching back.
    E Meyer, Dec 16, 2005
  14. notbob

    SoCalMike Guest

    yup... OEM is good. if it wasnt, thered be a lot of "nuisance returns"
    for juddering, skipping, squeaking back to the dealers. im on my second
    set of inserts in 8 years.

    once i got over the idea of spending $11 (dealer price) on 2 little
    rubber strips, replacing was easy, and they work as new.
    SoCalMike, Dec 16, 2005
  15. notbob

    Eye Indo Guest

    When you speak of "original wiper blade holders", do you mean the whole
    thing minus the rubber parts ?
    When I replace wiper blades, I get this package that has the rubber inserts,
    and the metal part that just hooks up to the metal thingy (What is that
    thing called anyway) that holds the stuff I replace.
    If that is the problem, than I will buy another set from the dealer. and
    make sure that I get OEM stuff.
    Eye Indo, Dec 17, 2005
  16. notbob

    Dave L Guest

    Think that's what he meant. I've used the aftermarket blades/inserts before
    and they work. Just not as well as the OEM Honda blades and inserts. Then
    again my brother can't tell the difference on his car but I think I'm
    pickier. The OEM works and lasts longer. If you've got a concern about the
    cost from your local dealership you can order online. Save a few bucks.

    Dave L, Dec 17, 2005
  17. notbob

    E Meyer Guest

    Yes. The inserts are just the rubber. When I say blade holders, I mean the
    metal piece that the rubber slides into than then snaps onto the arm. They
    always come with new rubber, but you can just replace the rubber and keep
    the metal. That¹s what the dealer sells.
    E Meyer, Dec 17, 2005
  18. notbob

    Eye Indo Guest

    Found the old blades (somewhere in a corner).
    Stuck the "newer" insert in there.
    Helloooo... No more judder.
    Looked into it further.
    Found that there was a difference in mounting between the original ones and
    the replacement ones. The original blade assemblies, allow more "wiggling",
    so the rubber blade ALWAYS has the capability to lay flatter against the
    glass. The replacement blade assemblies, only allowed "laying flat" in one
    I guess, mystery solved.

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

    Eye Indo, Dec 18, 2005
  19. notbob

    Graham W Guest

    Thanks for reporting back.

    Merry Xmas
    Graham W, Dec 18, 2005
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