
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JD, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. JD

    JD Guest

    Hey all,

    I got a chip in my windshield a few months back (2001 Accord) and have let
    it slide until now - it started to crack and spread. I was quoted between
    $250-330 to replace it....does this sound reasonable? Also, are Hondas known
    for "thin" glass?

    JD, Dec 24, 2003
  2. JD

    Brian Smith Guest

    I would say that it sounds to be a fair price.
    Brian Smith, Dec 24, 2003
  3. JD

    George Guest

    but the windshield does get pitted over time with highway driving just like
    other cars. It's too bad you don't have full glass replacement on your
    insurance. It's usually not that expensive depending on the insurance

    Good luck
    George, Dec 24, 2003
  4. JD

    bearman Guest

    My insurance will cover totally fixing the chip so that they won't have to
    pay for a full windshield. Good deal.
    bearman, Dec 24, 2003
  5. Most insurance companies will offer a zero dollar deductible windshield
    replacement rider on your comprehensive coverage. You have to ask for it
    and what it costs. I have gone thru 8 windshields in 5 years and was
    threatened by my insurance company of having the coverage dropped (USAA of
    San Antonio TX). I insisted that a privately owned glass shop install a
    Honda OEM windshield once and that one did not last any longer than the
    national chain shop installs. I have windshields last anywhere from 1 hour
    to 10 years. They will crack 24 7 and 12 months a year. Stay away from
    salt spreaders and snow plows. Once a crack forms, do not turn on the
    defroster. If you want anymore info email me privately.
    James M. Kelly, Dec 24, 2003
  6. It sounds about right.

    This advice is not for you but for anyone else that gets a chip or ding in
    their windshild. Don't wait (like John did) but instead take it to a shop
    that fixes and replaces windshields. They will inject a special fluid--it
    looks like a thick clear glue--into the ding or chip. Your windshield will
    look like it never had a chip or ding when the job is done. You won't have
    any more problems related to the chip or ding after it has been repaired.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 25, 2003
  7. JD

    JD Guest

    That's good advice...the only reason I didn't act sooner was because the
    chip was in the very bottom of the windshield - the black portion that
    cannot be seen from inside the car. I guess it didn't worry me as much as it
    should have!!

    JD, Dec 26, 2003
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