Won't shit from Park after stopping.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Honda, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Honda

    Honda Guest

    Car: 1991 Honda Accord Wagon

    Problem: Once I put my car in Park and come back later to start it it won't
    shit. I have to use the key to do the reset for the shit and only then it
    will shift. The problem started as the weather started getting pretty cold
    about ten days back. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to resolve

    P.S The car doesn't have problems shifting to drive etc. and I don't think
    it suffer from the famous broken shift cable syndrome. It just gets locked
    into Park. Thanks to all in advance.

    Honda, Jan 22, 2007
  2. Honda

    hazchem Guest

    I hate it when my car won't shit. I find a couple of teaspoons of
    dietary fibre, say Metamucil, into the petrol tank will usually clear
    any constipation.
    hazchem, Jan 22, 2007
  3. Honda

    G-Man Guest

    I took my car to the park yeterday, it shit just fine. A real bitch to
    clean up!

    If you mean SHIFT, check the cables. What year, etc?

    G-Man, Jan 22, 2007
  4. Honda

    Honda Guest

    Are "shitting" me? Read first line which says what year the car is. Read
    last paragraph which talks about cable. Stop shitting me and lets talk shift
    ok? Never mind, its the brake light switch.
    Honda, Jan 22, 2007
  5. Honda

    G-Man Guest

    Couldn't resist :)

    I had to have the cables replaced on my '91 Sedan. It was a real MF to get
    in and out of park. Smooth as silk after.

    G-Man, Jan 22, 2007
  6. Honda

    motsco_ Guest


    Here's a TSB about the Civic having the same problem:

    My CR-V had the exact problem. All Hondas have the same (basic)
    adjustment. I wouldn't shit you.

    motsco_, Jan 23, 2007
  7. Honda

    Honda Guest

    I replaced the cable already. Any other thoughts.
    Honda, Jan 23, 2007
  8. Honda

    motsco_ Guest


    The adjustment only has to be out a turn or two to make it malfunction,
    and things shrink when it's cold outside. You could also remove the
    access cover at the tranny end and lubricate the moving parts with good
    silicone grease or ATF. Any stiffness will be amplified in the cold.

    motsco_, Jan 23, 2007
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