wont start 91 civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Samey, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Samey

    Samey Guest

    hi i have a civic and often it wont start. but after pressing on the
    gas for a while it starts. my mechanic dont know whats the problem....
    if anyone else went through the same problem please let me know what i
    should do?
    Samey, Jul 8, 2008
  2. Samey

    Jim Guest

    Get a new mechanic.
    Jim, Jul 8, 2008
  3. Samey

    jim beam Guest

    1. find someone else that knows what they're doing.
    2. fix the main relay.
    jim beam, Jul 8, 2008
  4. Samey

    Elle Guest

    As JBeam said, consider the main relay. Also consider the
    other items listed at the site of fabulous regular "Tegger":
    Elle, Jul 8, 2008
  5. Samey

    motsco_ Guest


    Use Google Groups to search for 'Honda main relay' and find the quick
    fix as well as the actual cure....

    motsco_, Jul 8, 2008
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