Your suggestoin for a SUV

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GoodLuck, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. GoodLuck

    GRL Guest

    The turbo Forester is getting lukewarm reviews. Looks like they put in the
    hot motor, but did not upgrade the suspension appropriately.


    - GRL

    "It's good to want things."

    Steve Barr (philosopher, poet, humorist, chemist,
    Visual Basic programmer)
    GRL, Jul 3, 2003
  2. GoodLuck

    Rusty Guest

    I was just going to suggest the same thing, beat me to it.

    Rusty, Jul 3, 2003
  3. Wasn't the last of this model the 1998 V90 (when Volvo renamed
    everything to the S and V names)?
    Timothy J. Lee, Jul 3, 2003
  4. GoodLuck

    john Guest

    well SUVs are sure nicely setup for roll-overs. I saw one on TV the
    other day with anti-roll-over, I wander how that works ;-)
    john, Jul 4, 2003
  5. GoodLuck

    Stuart Gray Guest

    I thought this post was a bit troll like when I first saw it, but it has
    caused quite a few comedic responses. A SUV with anti-roll means it has
    castors on the roof, just like my wifes 240 estate.
    Stuart Gray, Jul 4, 2003
  6. GoodLuck

    *Zoe* Guest

    most wives in that case..............
    *Zoe*, Jul 4, 2003
  7. GoodLuck

    JohnDoe Guest

    it's all a crock, I've been driving the things for almost 20 years and
    only a complete ass could roll one
    JohnDoe, Jul 4, 2003
  8. Yes, but the amount of damage done depends in part on the vehicle.
    Marvin Margoshes, Jul 4, 2003
  9. GoodLuck

    tflfb Guest

    If money is no object who cares, buy a HUMMER H-2.

    tflfb, Jul 4, 2003
  10. perhaps its not about math but physics:
    quantum mechanics - many world interpretation?
    There you can pack a nearly infinite number of children into your
    house, and getting the square root of them each in half paired with
    some other half onto the backseat of your car quite near to your
    cone of reality.
    So there should be no problem with just 4 of them ...
    Andreas Ehlerding, Jul 4, 2003
  11. GoodLuck

    Philip® Guest

    Funny... that's what some reckless tractor trailer drivers say about ALL
    fourwheelers. "Stupid moron cut in front of a 80,000 lb rig and slammed
    on his brakes. There was nothing left for me to do but run over his
    sorry pink ass."



    "Children left running and unattended
    will be towed at owner's expense"
    Philip®, Jul 4, 2003
  12. GoodLuck

    Brian Smith Guest

    That happens more times than you would think. When some moron does that to
    me, I just figure s/he is trying to see what my tail lights look like from
    underneath the truck.
    Brian Smith, Jul 4, 2003
  13. GoodLuck

    Stuart Gray Guest

    This is the best "SUV" in the world - The Lada Niva. One of my friends had
    one we dubbed "Boris" it went everywhere in all conditions up our Scotttish
    mountains. link -
    Stuart Gray, Jul 4, 2003
  14. Nah. Give me a Volvo C303 anyday.
    Oh? need a URL? ;)

    Second place goes to the Pinzgauer, though not by much.
    Both will crumple up a Hummer into a tiny piece of GM scrap
    that it is. Cost a lot less, too.

    The C303 has 15 inches of clearance at its lowest point, and
    over two feet at the middle.
    Joseph Oberlander, Jul 5, 2003
  15. GoodLuck

    Tony Hwang Guest

    I am not a truck driver but I run into those morons a lot pulling my
    8000 lbs 5th wheel camping trailer.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 5, 2003
  16. GoodLuck

    JohnDoe Guest

    the reckless one was the guy who cut off the truck, darwinism in
    JohnDoe, Jul 5, 2003
  17. GoodLuck

    Mikey Guest

    "Simply Vanity", "I don't care" , looks like you include yourself and wife
    as a pair within the four grown up children.

    Grown up chiildren is an oxymoron. Don't understand that? Thought so.
    Mikey, Jul 5, 2003
  18. GoodLuck

    Philip® Guest

    In the field of psychology, the mention of "Parents of Adult Children"
    not to mention Adult Children of Aged Parents runs rampant. Did you
    know this?

    A spot check of this thread has shown a wanton failure to distinguish
    "need" from "desire." I'm not going to single out anyone in
    particular. ;^)


    "If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
    the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
    wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
    - John Locke (1632-1704)
    Philip®, Jul 5, 2003
  19. GoodLuck

    Stuart Gray Guest

    I like !!!!!!!
    Stuart Gray, Jul 5, 2003
  20. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Hey, that was my line! ;-D
    MDT Tech®, Jul 6, 2003
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