Your suggestoin for a SUV

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by GoodLuck, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    OK Tony, good deal! Just checking. ;-D
    MDT Tech®, Jul 11, 2003
  2. GoodLuck

    Tony Hwang Guest

    I am retired systems engineer now freelance consulting.
    My fee is 250.00 plus T&L minimum 2 hours.
    There is outfits waiting for my service.
    Would I be on welfare? Not in your or my life.
    BTW, I used to teach basic electronics to automotive
    mechanic apprentices as volunteer instructor.
    have a great evening.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 11, 2003
  3. GoodLuck

    Liam Devlin Guest

    Funny, so do I. Are certain fingers unable to spell correctly?
    Liam Devlin, Jul 11, 2003
  4. Have you driven a Ford lately :)

    (ducking for cover)
    Peter Schroeder, Jul 11, 2003
  5. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    No, they just take the easy way out or poke the wrong key, why?
    MDT Tech®, Jul 11, 2003
  6. GoodLuck

    Ima Guest

    Best SUV for the buck: Nissan Xterra.
    Ima, Jul 11, 2003
  7. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Hey kid, its not that they want to, its "that they can" and its also
    none of your buisness what they do with something they paid for with
    their own money. You are a minorty, SUV's are popular!
    MDT Tech®, Jul 13, 2003
  8. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Tony, they may think the same of you. You have probably formed that
    opinion by reading too much anti SUV post is all. When SUV's stop
    selling, they will stop making them.
    MDT Tech®, Jul 13, 2003
  9. GoodLuck

    JohnDoe Guest

    SUVs account for half of all cars being sold, someone must like them
    JohnDoe, Jul 13, 2003
  10. GoodLuck

    Mrs. Fricker Guest

    That is strange since SUVs aren't cars, they are trucks.

    Let's see what are their disadvantages:
    They have far more roll-over fatalitites than any other vehicle.
    They cause far more fatalities than any other vehicle.
    They don't meet the safety requirements cars must meet.

    And their advantages:
    They are big.
    Mrs. Fricker, Jul 13, 2003
  11. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Yes, but a higher center of gravity, it is to be expected, but that
    would be a driver error. Did you know more Semis jacknife than SUV's?
    Cause? Notice the word cause. Truth is, your more likely to survive and
    accident if your in an SUV.

    Did you know your more likely to die in an accident if your in an
    econobox? Its true!

    Yeah, you just said they are not cars. I bet your econoshit box dont
    meet the same towing standards an SUV does either. See the stupid logic
    here. Something that needs to be strong for heavy work wont have crumple
    zones like a unibody vs full frame, DUH!

    Can haul an entire family all at once.

    Tow a camp trailer to go camping and the entire family.

    Has 4WD (in most) and can be used in winter weather better than a 2 wd car.

    Can tow a boat for skiing.

    Take the soccer team out for icecream.

    More likely to survive if your in one and in an accident.

    Haul a utility trailer which can carry items like landscape supplies, ie
    crushed rock, beauty bark and building supplies lumber, sheetrock.

    Can do lots with one rig instead of buying a fleet of vehicles, one for
    going to work (econo), one for hauling supplies, one for towing a trailer...

    An SUV does it all. I wonder if thats what the "utility" meand in SUV?
    Ya think?

    I think we should start calling econoshitboxes NUV's, meaning non
    utility vehicle.

    Like we said, 50% of cars sold are SUV's, so apparently they are in
    demand. A little socialist like yourself who is always telling others
    what to drive is a waste of time. People buy them because they want or
    need them, not becasue they saw your pathetic little post on a newsgroup!
    MDT Tech®, Jul 13, 2003
  12. GoodLuck

    Philip® Guest

    Clearly FALSE. A "jackknife" requires the presence of a trailer.
    The raw numbers *obviously* show there are more semi-trucks pulling
    trailers at any given moment on interstates than there are trailer
    pulling SUV's. Your argument is analogous to "more white people are
    on wellfare than are Blacks." Well DUH. Blacks account for
    what.... 15% of the population?


    "If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all
    the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
    wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
    - John Locke (1632-1704)
    Philip®, Jul 13, 2003
  13. GoodLuck

    Stuart Gray Guest

    An articulated SUV ?? shudder !!!! bound to happen sooner or later tho : )

    Stuart Gray.
    Stuart Gray, Jul 13, 2003
  14. GoodLuck

    BenDover Guest

    While that may be statisticly true, 'far more' is meaningless
    since only a very small percentage of accidents involve a
    roll over.
    They may be statisticly true as well but it is because they carry
    an average higher number of passengers. In the real world
    properly belted passengers in a large vehicle are much less
    likely to be killed or severely injured than similarly belted
    passengers in a smaller vehicle. That is the reason insurance
    companies offer LOWER rates for SUV than small FWD cars.
    Now that is NOT true. All 'light tucks' which includes most
    SUV's, must meet the SAME NHTSA crash standards as cars.

    In any event if I believed as you do, I would not buy an SUV,
    if I were you.

    mike hunt
    BenDover, Jul 13, 2003
  15. GoodLuck

    BenDover Guest

    Isn't it strange that the control freaks are now so concerned
    about SUV's that seat up to eight, yet they said nothing when
    the same truck chassis carried a body that only seated three with
    a box behind the cab or the car based SUV's that now carry up to
    six, an inch and a half higher than when the same chassis carried
    only four people as a car? LOL

    mike hunt
    BenDover, Jul 13, 2003
  16. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Philip, it was by design, I was illustrating absurdity by being absurd.
    The original socialist poster had mentioned how an SUV is more likely to
    roll over.
    MDT Tech®, Jul 13, 2003
  17. GoodLuck

    Philip® Guest

    The SUV by design IS more likely to roll over. What am I missing?


    "If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
    the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
    wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
    - John Locke (1632-1704)
    Philip®, Jul 13, 2003
  18. GoodLuck

    MDT Tech® Guest

    Nothing, you got it. You just said the SUV by desing is more likely to
    roll over. AND I commented by saying a semi is more likely to jacknife. ;-)
    MDT Tech®, Jul 14, 2003
  19. GoodLuck

    Philip® Guest

    Ok then, the SUV/semi truck comparison is still faulty until you put an
    equal number of SUVs pulling trailers and semi-trucks on the road year
    round and in all weather conditions. I'll put money on SUVs pulling
    trailers having more jackknifes per million miles traveled because SUVs
    are lighter, driven faster, and have less skilled drivers who are out to
    have fun instead in their own rig vs. driving a company truck for a
    living. >:^)


    "If a long train of abuses, prevarications, and artifices, all tending
    the same way, make the design visible to the people . tis not to be
    wondered that they should then rouse themselves."
    - John Locke (1632-1704)
    Philip®, Jul 14, 2003
  20. GoodLuck

    Roy Shroyer Guest

    I would guess that the reason that "they said nothing" might have been that
    pickup trucks were far less common then, compared to the numbers of ext cab
    p/u and full sized SUV's on the road now. Automakers marketing (driven by
    their profit margins) is a big cause of the proliferation of SUV's. They've
    made them 'cool' and 'sexy'. Does anyone remeber how cool and sexy a 1984
    Chevrolet Suburban was back then? Nil and none. They were few and far

    CAFE regulations have also played a large role by basically forcing domestic
    auto makers to stop production of V* powered rear wheel drive large
    vehicles. CAFE has a loophole for light trucks, which SUV's are classified
    as. In reality, most SUVs are used as cars (daily transportation). Just
    look around on the road.

    I don't believe in gov;t regs on what we can buy. You buy your SUV and I'll
    buy my 250 hp sedan.


    or the car based SUV's that now carry up to
    Roy Shroyer, Jul 14, 2003
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